MONDAYS: 5AM | 5:45AM | 6:30AM | 9:30AM | 4:30PM | 5:30PM | 6:30PM
Implementing barbells, dumbbells, kettlebells and bodyweight exercises to give you variety in training and overall strength/fitness.
TUESDAYS: 5AM | 5:45AM | 6:30AM | 9:30AM | 4:30PM | 5:30PM
A combination of lifting and plyometric exercises designed to build strength/power and cardio fitness.
WEDNESDAYS: 5AM | 5:45AM | 9:30AM | 4:30PM | 5:30PM
This session will expand on our cardio fitness utilising majority of machines being ski/row/run/bike ultimately helping us burn fat.
THURSDAYS: 5AM | 5:45AM | 6:30AM | 9:30AM | 4:30PM | 5:30PM
This session focuses on less cardio and more strength. Build lean muscle in these push pull based sessions.
FRIDAYS: 5AM | 5:45AM | 9:30AM | 4:30PM | 5:30PM
Our signature team-based session focusing on a full body workout that will showcase our mental capability.
SATURDAYS: 6:30AM | 7:30AM
A combination of lifting and plyometric exercises designed to build strength/power and cardio fitness.